The Art of Re-Designing A Life 

Seven years ago, I made a complete about-face: I left the audio engineering world and entered the world of product design. I knew I had a lot to offer and soon realized my strengths and skills as a musician and engineer only made me a more unique designer. Since then, I have studied user experience and design, and now teach both at General Assembly. I have worked at start-ups, large and small agencies.  Currently, I work as a Product Designer at a software consulting firm. It's been several years since I've re-designed my life and I am proud to call myself a product designer.

Before I was a designer, I was an audio engineer and a musician. I worked with high-profile clientele from major labels, agencies, TV and cable stations, and independents. I performed as a guitarist all over New York City and also produced many young bands starting out in the music business. I still play with my bands, Somber and Anti-Alias, and play loud, heavy, obnoxious guitar.

I have traveled to 16 countries and hope to travel more. Some of my greatest joys are to be immersed in new environments, learn about people and their culture, and eat a lot of different food. Currently, I am working on a personal project that strives to reinvent the way people plan and experience their vacations - stay tuned!

I am also a mother of two creative and opinionated boys. I hope to show them the world of user experience and design as a way of problem solving, building and creating for the future.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about me.